PAUL M CURRAN PAUL CURRAN'S e-mail is: Physical Fan mail for PAUL CURRAN should be sent to: PAUL CURRAN NWIFHE, STRAND ROAD, DERRY, BT48 7BY If you went back in time and killed your granny when she was little, you would never have been born. BUT then how can you go back to do it? It's a PARADOX! Any questions about paradoxes or some other aspect of time-travel? Or does the idea of many parellel worlds where events take different turns just confuse you? You can e-mail you questions or comments.
Online Contact Info
An exciting opportunity awaits fans of HOPE TO TIME-TRAVEL. You will be able to contact the author Paul Curran by e-mail to discuss his book! But because of the large amount of e-mails received please remember to be patient when waiting for replays... |